Rev. Egbe & his last words on Facebook

There is an unfathomable silence in Benue state university, a silence as deep and unbroken as the abysmal pit over the death of popular medical student and founder of Campus Witness Gospel Church in the college of Health science – Rev. (Dr.) Victor Egbe, who was reported to have died after going to the clinic to pray for patients, he slumped and died after prayers.
Before his death, Rev. Egbe posted this on His facebook wall on the 10th of October 2016 at 12:05am saying,

“The witness of the spirit of God
in your heart is superior to the
weakness of your senses”.

Getting students comments on this great loss, Benue state university (SU) interim president Comrade Donga Samuel says “it is actually pitiable and sad to hear about his death. He was a good man who died for a good course of action; students should emulate his good works. I facilitate with the students and family. May his soul rest in peace.

Ochayi Wisdom a final year student in the university says, “This is like failure at the edge of breakthrough, it is sad and a shocking news.

Speaking to Jeezitainment, the Director of Socials – National Union of Benue State Students (National NUBESS) Comrade Une Jeremiah Imoter says “Pastor Egbe will be remembered for good things he did, he was good to the union and students by providing moral supports always. Rest on Man of God.

Terwase Ortese says "His death is like a bleeding rose flower, his death has pierced our hearts, we will miss him so much. Rest well Apostle.

Ada Agbo says "BSU will miss him so much. He was a good man".

John, a medical student says "I can't believe that Egbe is gone. It cannot be true".

Terhile Solomon says, "a mighty man has fallen, only God knows why he has to die".

Oryina says "I attended his program once and I was very impressed, this man is one of the peoples that are preserving BSU through fervent prayers".

Mercy says "I met him when he came to minister in NIFES choir concert last year, he really touched lives there".

Jeezitainment blog sympathizes with the students, the family and the entire university community, may his soul rest in peace.

Rest on!!!


  1. Finding it difficult to believe he is gone.. Am just feeling like a serious prayer can cos God to intervene and bring him back to life since is not a natural death.... God, let ur will be done

  2. RIP MOG......God be with us till we meet again


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